You would not allow your child to participate in any activity without the proper protections in place. Football with a helmet and pads is unthinkable; a day at the beach without sunscreen would be a huge mistake; and riding in a car without a seatbelt is not only unsafe, but illegal. But is the same consideration given when safeguarding your child’s smile? Your pediatric dentist has the answers that will help maintain your child’s smile, and more importantly their dental health.
Your kid’s dental care starts with the caregiver. When those first little teeth appear, your child needs help to keep them clean. A clean damp cloth can be used to wipe baby’s teeth early on.
Eventually an age appropriate tooth paste and soft bristle brush should be introduced. While you might meet with a little resistance initially (toddlers don’t comprehend how important this care is), making this a fun event can make it easier for everyone involved.
Around the age of twelve months, a first visit with the pediatric dentist is recommended. At this exam you will be able to ask questions about the dental care for your child as well as allow for a check of your child’s current dental health.
In addition to brushing and flossing, there are additional steps that can be taken for the care and prevention of dental problems.
As your child grows, the need for daily dental care remains a critical factor to help them maintain excellent dental health. Supervise brushing and flossing until you’re confident your child is doing a good job, and performing these tasks daily.
Visits to the pediatric dentist must remain consistent. Your kid’s dental health will play a big role in their overall health as they age; and helping them to maintain healthy teeth and gums is critical to having a beautiful smile as well.
In addition to brushing and flossing, there are additional steps that can be taken for the care and prevention of dental problems. Fluoride is needed to maintain dental enamel strength. If you live in an area where fluoride is lacking through drinking water, your dentist can provide fluoride during cleaning appointments.
Dental sealants can help prevent dental decay; the sealant is applied to the surfaces of teeth sealing the areas of the teeth where decay often permeates.
Maintaining your kid’s dental health will be rewarded as your child grows. And as adults they will appreciate all the care you provided to keep their teeth and gums healthy.