A dental emergency can having lasting consequences for your child’s smile if you don’t act promptly to address the situation. Your first step should be scheduling an appointment with a children’s emergency dentist for any necessary professional treatment. However, there are also a few things that you can do at home to manage a dental emergency until your child can be seen by a dentist.
If your child loses a permanent tooth, you can try to gently re-insert it into the socket. If you are unsuccessful, you can store the tooth in dental preservation media or even a container of milk or water until your child’s appointment with the children’s emergency dentist.
It is not as important to save a baby tooth, although the children’s emergency dentist may recommend replacing a missing baby tooth or use some sort of spacing appliance in order to limit the effect of premature tooth loss on the development of your child’s smile. If any permanent teeth erupt too early (or too late, for that matter), it can throw off the alignment of the entire smile.
Soft tissue injuries, such as lacerations, should also be treated in emergency situations. You can use a cold compress to reduce any swelling associated with the injury, although persistent bleeding will need to be addressed more immediately, such as at an emergency room or urgent care center. If your child is complaining of pain, appropriate doses of over-the-counter painkillers can help to manage this symptom.
Like persistent bleeding, apparent facial fractures are more urgent matters and need more immediate attention. You should get initial care for your child at a local emergency room and then follow up with your regular dentist for any additional treatment that may be necessary to correct the injury.
Dental emergencies don’t need to have enduring effects on your child’s smile. Contact our office as soon as possible to schedule an appointment for your child to be treated, and be prepared to mana ge the situation temporarily on your own if need be. Call our office to ask any questions you may have about this type of dental treatment.