Great dental health contributes to good overall health. If teeth and/or gums are plagued with decay or disease, the health of the body is going to suffer as well. The ways are evident … pain, inability to eat properly, and social issues like appearance or chronic bad breath. Many people commit to making healthy changes in the New Year. But waiting isn’t a great idea, and those changes are easy to make. For your child’s better oral health, you can start by scheduling an appointment with a children’s dentist.
If your child has reached the age of twelve months, you should be keeping their oral health in mind by taking them for their first dental check-up. At this appointment your child will receive an examination to either confirm their dental health is on the right track; or perhaps a problem or concern will be identified. Early diagnosis usually leads to a better result.
At this first appointment the caregivers are given a golden opportunity to ask questions about their child’s dental welfare. The advice given should start being followed right away including:
Teach your child about teeth brushing. Use an age appropriate tooth paste and soft bristle brush to keep your child’s teeth clean – brush twice each day.
Flossing should be done daily – teaching by example is often the easiest way so let your child watch how you care for your teeth.
You’ve followed through with this first dental appointment, so make sure your child’s oral health is a priority and keep those dental check-ups every six months. When your child experiences no dental health issues, it is easy to elongate time between appointments. However, taking chances with your child’s teeth can result in costly and time consuming treatment.
Now that you have made a plan with your children’s dentist, you can follow through on your own dental needs. Do you brush with a fluoridated tooth paste at least twice every day? Do you floss to remove what your tooth brush missed? And when was the last time you visited the dentist for a cleaning and dental exam?
Do not let a date on the calendar be your guide for maintaining your family’s dentition. Even though the start of a new year is motivation for making positive changes, the pursuit of great oral health should be ongoing every day of the year.
Contact our office today to schedule an appointment for your child!