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Are Teeth Sealants Worth It? Yes!

Are Teeth Sealants Worth It? Yes!

November 30, 2020 / in / by Fort Worth Children's Dentistry

Teeth sealants are thin coatings that a pediatric dentist paints on the chewing surfaces of your teeth. Its primary purpose is to prevent cavities for many years. If you’re unsure whether it can help you preserve your child's beautiful smile, read on to find out more about this treatment. Read some of the key reasons why teeth sealants are worth it.

How to Reduce the Risk of Cavities around Halloween

How to Reduce the Risk of Cavities around Halloween

October 26, 2020 / in / by Fort Worth Children's Dentistry

Is Halloween your favorite holiday? If so, you aren’t alone.Adults and children alike will indulge in frighteningly delicious treats, not to mention a bucket load of candy from trick or treating. Sugar overload may seem impossible to avoid over Halloween, but too much of the good stuff can be bad news – especially for our teeth!

When Should My Baby See a Dentist for the First Time?

When Should My Baby See a Dentist for the First Time?

September 16, 2020 / in / by Fort Worth Children's Dentistry

As an adult, you probably know how often you should be scheduling appointments with your dentist, but if you have a baby, you're likely looking for more information about when you should start taking them for check-ups too?

Why it is more important now to keep pediatric dental visits

Why it is more important now to keep pediatric dental visits

August 31, 2020 / in / by Fort Worth Children's Dentistry

There are concerns that many people are postponing and delaying both routine dental appointments and necessary treatments because they have concerns about the safety of visiting their dentist. However, dental offices are in general one of the most sterile environments, and with even more stringent safety protocols in place, there has never been a better time to go to the dentist and take your children to the dentist.

Back to School Dental Health Tips

Back to School Dental Health Tips

July 22, 2020 / in / by

Studies suggest that around a third of children miss school because of oral health problems, but their absence could be prevented with proper dental care. With so many children having missed some of their education this last year, it is essential that parents do everything that they can to minimize school absences, and you can do this by ensuring that your child’s teeth are in the best possible condition before they return for the new school year.

How Your Oral Health Affects Your Baby

How Your Oral Health Affects Your Baby

June 11, 2020 / in / by Fort Worth Children's Dentistry

Dental experts emphasize the importance of oral health in pregnant women. According to the Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, physiological changes happen during pregnancy.

Is a Broken Baby Tooth an Emergency?

Is a Broken Baby Tooth an Emergency?

May 26, 2020 / in / by Fort Worth Children's Dentistry

Accidents and injuries are a normal part of childhood. From learning to walk and navigating stairs to playing sports, there are many ways in which your child could experience a trauma that affects their mouth and teeth. The severity of the damage to your child’s tooth will largely dictate whether or not they experience any symptoms of their injury, how significant these symptoms are likely to be, and what treatment your pediatric dentist will recommend to repair the baby tooth so that it can continue to be used until it naturally falls out.

What is a Pulpectomy Procedure?

What is a Pulpectomy Procedure?

April 21, 2020 / in / by Fort Worth Children's Dentistry

At the very center of the tooth, lies the pulp. Unfortunately, it is possible to develop problems with the pulp. One of the most common issues is an infection that can occur when the tooth is severely damaged by trauma or decay. When this happens to a baby tooth, they may be referred for a procedure called a pulpectomy.

Abscessed Tooth in Children: Care Instructions

Abscessed Tooth in Children: Care Instructions

March 31, 2020 / in / by Fort Worth Children's Dentistry

Does your child suffer from a tooth abscess? In this article, you will learn how to care for your child and steps to prevent further infection.

Do Children Need Root Canals?

Do Children Need Root Canals?

February 25, 2020 / in / by Fort Worth Children's Dentistry

The root canal is one dental procedure that has a particularly bad reputation, but the truth is that many people aren’t even really sure what a root canal is or what to expect from the procedure. Root canals are needed when the nerve inside of a tooth has been damaged or has become infected, which is a problem that can affect kids as well as adults. If these issues occur, a root canal is the only effective treatment that can save teeth that would otherwise require extraction.